What's happening during 2025 in Hunstanton
There is lots to look forward to in 2025. For those into there sports May 11th, brings another Sunny Hunny Triathalon to Hunstanton with participants completing their swim at the Oasis and then biking around Hunstanton town and then finishing with a run to the green. On the 5th and 6th July Holkham Hall is holding their annual Outlaw event, where there is something for all ages. Hunstanton also has their weekly Park Run, so if your staying at Sea Holly and like running why not go along and join in, you'll be welcomed with open arms .
The annual carnival will also be held on the 21st June, where there will be lots to see and do with for all ages.
Sandringham House is also holding more of their concert events in August, whilst the Princess Theatre also has lots of amazing acts throughout the year.
And lets not forget Rainbow Park funfair that is open during School holidays and most weekends from February.